Ep 79: 4 compound efforts that turn into compound effects as you start a business!
Apr 22, 2021In today's episode, I share with you the concept of compound efforts over time as you start a business. Many don't realize that all these little things you do now will pay off later - and how they add up!
Just like money you save in a bank account, the little deposits turn into big gains.
Sometimes though many new business owners feel like they are not really moving forward because they don't see results. But here's the truth: everything you are doing now is compounded over time. It's turning into becoming so much more than you are today!
Think about learning an instrument, going on a diet, taking on a new physical activity, learning a new language, or even developing new relationships. All start somewhere...all start with little efforts that then compound over time and eventually you become stronger, leaner, more connected and way more developed than you were before!
The same goes for your business in these 4 instances. Now, there are many more than this - but today it's about these :)
1 - Telling people what you do. Every person let know about what you do helps spread the word about your business. It's like the COVID virus - some people you tell will help super-spread the news...some may just tell 1 or 2 people - of which all could become clients!
2 - Product development. Yes, everything you work on and adjust and tweak when it comes to your product or service compounds over time and your offer becomes such a desirable offer!
3 - Understanding your people. Yes, over time you understand your people more and more. You start learning exactly who you are best suited to serve and who best gets results. You will be amazed at how much you learn about your people over time!
4. Understanding YOU. Yes, you won't believe what you learn about yourself over time as you start and run and grow this business. You learn what you are great at and should keep doing...and you also learn what is not your best skill so you can outsource and complement your skills.
EPISODE 67 was mentioned regarding the topic of small steps turning into big leaps!
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